Modify Body of email adding multiple column data from excel

I have a use case where I will iterate through each row by using “For each excel row” and if the criteria meets, then I will send email based on details in columns.

In this case, I have sub in one row which is file, to and cc are fine but when it comes to body, I have multiple columns to concatenate. I need column ‘K’ as body, then column L to N as a table along with the headers, then column O as signature. Is there any way. I have attached the screenshots.

Email Data


You case looks like a good fit for create html content activity …please try using it…you can create tables and use varibles from the respectivr columns in them


Hey @Anil_G , so I am using “For each Excel Row” rather than for “Each row in data table” for few reasons, would this still help using variables sine it might give an error like data table cannot be converted to string? I will still try tho


You would not use the datatable as is…you can use on for eqch row in excel as well

Each cel would be accessed as row.ByField("FirldName").Value

You will add a table and in table cells you will map the values through your variables
