I am setting up microsoft office 365 scope and i want to send email using this scope.
Authentication type for activity i am supposed to use : AplicationandSecret
my flow:
get credentials for Application ID - > value stored in variable (App_ID)
get credentials for Tenant ID → value stored in variable (Tenant_ID)
get credentials for Application_Secret-> value stored in variable (App_Secret ID)
now when i pass this variable in the prorperty panel the conversion of secure string is not proper
because my credentials are secure string and all this variable have value of string type
Question: How to convert the value o this credentials into securestring which can be used in properties panel
and how to Assign it to my variables so they can be used ??
Hi @samantha_shah . You can convert secure string to string datatype using following command in assign activity.
str_AppId=new System.Net.NetworkCredential(string.Empty, secstr_AppId).Password
str_AppId is string datatype and secstr_AppId is securestring …
Application ID and Tenant ID will accept String Datatype Variables, for this In orchestrator create two assets not credentials and use Get asset activity to get those values and store in a Variable.
When comes to AppSecret will accept the SecureString datatype variables, for this in Orchestrator create a asset with credential and give the value in password field in assets. Then use Get Credentials activity and create a variable in the Password field and pass that variable in the properties.
HI @samantha_shah, Application Id and Tenant will not accept secure string. Only string variable has to be passed. Secure Application secret can accept secure string of Applicationsecret.
Hi @mkankatala@devik
sorry the solution didnt worked actually
i have setup the followig values but still my scope has some missing thing it is giving me general exception error and wont send my email
I have used String variable for Application Id && tenant ID
and used the output of secure string App_Secret directly into secure Application Secret
from best practice viewpoint the usage of Get credential assets should be done within a scope very close to usage
the M O365 Scope evolved and offers functionalities within the design time, therefore we get the yellow box, when using variables for the connection ideas
Also have a look at this docu:
As the Asset approach is much recommended
For any connection issues checkout also the FirstAid
It’s not an error. It’s just warning that you have not passed the details in plain string values. If you pass in plain string and not form assets then you get more details to see in design time.
So don’t worry about the warning and try to run the workflow if you set rest everything properly.
@samantha_shah Looks like str_App_ID and str_Tenant_ID are not set properly. Can you check if you have placed double quotes surrounding variable in Networkcredential function in the assign statement? If yes, please remove it.
It should be assign → str_App_ID = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(string.Empty, APP_ID).Password
Also in the error screenshot am not finding any securestringvariable to set str_Tenant_ID. From where it’s value is assigned?