Dear All,
I access a web and click a button to download, but i got an issues that Multiple similar matches found.
please help me check.
thanks so much!
Dear All,
I access a web and click a button to download, but i got an issues that Multiple similar matches found.
please help me check.
thanks so much!
Try adding an Anchor or edit the selector maybe you can find something to differentiate them
HI @hiennguyen
Try to get a adjacent anchor for the download click or if not other selectors are satisfy your requirement then use IDX property as shown in the below screenshot to indicate on a specific Download click.
Note : idx=‘?’ will accept only integer values
thank Chethan Kumar DS,
is idx set by myself? or is it belong to website?
Thank Ahmad_Rais,
I’ve tried but it is same before.
Hi @hiennguyen
You should enter the idx value manually with the number and check whether it is highlighting your expected download click UI element.
can youn please share the website or share the selector?
can you now select the second one , and share the selector ,
the table row might be diffrent
maybe we can find something usefull
can u try to un select the fuzzy selector
and un select the image also
just use strict selector
Try removing the aaname from selector pls
I’ve tried, but it could’nt find to pick.
thanks for your help!
will you be able to share the page you are automating or something similar ?
sorry. this is internal website. i just only share some information as picture.
got it no issues
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