I have created an automation that data scrapes from two different soccer player web pages. One which is in Japanese (We2020) and the other one in English (FIFAIndex), leaving me with 2 separate excel files per data scraped soccer player. From these two workbooks, I would like to merge them into one and then delete the two excess files that were used to create the “master” file.
I have been playing around and trying to see if you could use an IF statement to see if the variable I use to access a datatable with the soccer players name, exists as a excel file (PlayerSearchVar + “Part of excel file”) and if it does, merge those two together. Else skip to next name in the datatable.
However, with my lacking knowledge I am not sure how to accomplish what I have in mind, and I am relying on the robot experts here.
I will provide screenshots down below to oversimplify my thought process and if there is any more information you need please let me know and I hope someone can help me with this.
Apologies in advance for my awesome paint skills.