Merge Excel files without knowing the files name from a folder

Greetings to all.

I have a folder called Record that has 3 files. I need to combine these 3 files into 1, but we don’t know the names of the individual files.

How could these files be combined?


Can you share how you want to combine the files? Copy each sheet into a result workbook OR merge content(table) of each file?


merge content of each file in to the 4th file and then delete the previous 3 files from the folder


Are these sheet names same? If possible, can you share input files and expected output as files?


Sheet1 contains the data for all three files. I don’t have the input files right now, however you can test these scenarios using raw data.


How about the following sample? (21.3 KB)

Please un-comment delete file activity if you remove src files.


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its working

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