Merge datatable based on column

Hi All,

I wanted to merge two datatable based on name shown below

table 1
id name number
1 x 56
2 y 26
table 2
company name number pnr dv
xxx x 56 s45 q56
yyy d 56 s94 t526

table 3:
id name number pnr dv
1 x 56 s45 q56
2 y 26


Use Merge Datatable activity to merge two data table based on the column name.
Destination as Table 1 and Source as Table 2
and used Filter Datatable to remove the column.
Hope this will help you

Suresh J

that didnt work for me …i already tried .The column arrangements are different


In filter Datatable in column filter, you can rearrange the column as per requirement.
Mention the column in order you want.
Hope this will help you
Suresh J

for me to merge table should the table have same schema?


No need the same Schema, it will merge data based on the column name, I will share the sample for the same.
Suresh J

Please help


Please find the working file for the same sample you have been given,
Sequence.xaml (10.0 KB)
Hope this will help you.
Suresh J

i want to merge one datatable with one single column?

You shouldn’t dig up 3 year old posts.