Merge Cells and Headers in Excel


We have a requirement where we need to generate an excel report. Report Format is First row - 3 cells are Merged and named " Final Report" and the second row has three columns(Headers). Can anyone please guide me to generate the report with specified format?

Thanks in Advance!

If you are working on formatting a report entirely within excel, then VBA is a better choice than RPA. You can still create the script with VBA and have your robot execute the macro

Can u post an example in excel xlsx here pls

Not sure of the details of what you’re doing/wanting to do here. If you’re reading/writing an excel sheet, you’ll want to specify the range instead of the default sheet name, including the headers in that range, then make sure to select ‘Add Headers’ on both the Read Range & Write Range activities.

Thank you the quick response!

I am using hot keys & type into activities to merge cells and change font/fill color. We need to create multiple sheets in excel, whenever I am creating the sheet, the sheet order is not A,B,C… it is C,B,A. do I need to change any settings?

which is the efficient way to generate reports?

Thank you in advance.