Matching data on a table and checking the box

I am developing a bot that gets a policy number and the details in an excel file, the bot should pick the policy number and match it with what is in the table (in the image shown), eg, if the policy number in the excel is XX13875, it should only check those boxes in the table shown. How can I go about it?

Hi @Lydia_Gathoni put this linq in if statement and in then section use click activity and do anchoring to the policy number in selector

dt.AsEnumerable.Select(function(r) r("ColumnName").ToString="YourValue").Contains(true)

Hi @Tapan_Behera1 thank you for your response, what would be the value of ToString=“YourValue”

YourValue=“PolicyNumber” column

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Hi @Lydia_Gathoni

Check whether you can data scrapp the data from the table if yes you can try this

  • Data Scrap the table and store in the dt
  • Loop through the datarow in the excel
    • Lookup datatable
      Lookupvalue - CurrentRow(“Policy Number in excel”).Tostring.Trim
      Lookupcolumnname or index - “Policy No.” or 0
      get the output from cell index store them ina variable “PolicyNumberindex”
  • If Policynumberindex <> -1
    True-> Use Click activity or check activity and indicate on the checkbox

Note: You need to make a dynamic selector here indicate on checkbox.


Hi @Lydia_Gathoni ,

Could you also let us know more about the UI that you would be interacting with. If the Data is in the form of a Table, Do check with Data Scraping if it is able to extract the data.
Also Let us know if the data in the table spans more than one page and if a Scrolling would be required in the table for accessing the elements that are not presently visible.

We could adopt or understand the current state and provide a suggestion accordingly.

Hello @supermanPunch the UI is a desktop application, sometimes the policy No.s can be many and thus can span more pages than the visible rows thus needing scrolling

@Lydia_Gathoni ,
Have we Checked with Data Scraping Option / Table Extraction ? This check would help us understand if we can perform the Matching between these two tables and only keep the matching numbers to loop through, so we can minimise the iteration on other row check.

Also, Would like to check what is the Selector of the First row’s Checkbox on the First Page of Table and the Selector of the First Row’s Checkbox in the Second Page.

Would like to know if they similar attributes and thus conclude a proper mechanism.

Do use UiExplorer for Indication of the First Row Checkbox element and provide a screenshot here, so we could perform an analysis on it.

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