Hi ,
I want to do some matching verification where i have this one excel files which contain a few of rows of information where this is a Application form that i converted it into excel files. The Application form here where i do some match verification with the value that i get from website and it will stamp the value Match or Unmatched to excel in another column.
As for my solution now , i do like this , where DBTest is a database from the excel files and strTest1 is a value that i get from website.
This the sample of application form from the excel files

Thats why i need to read the rows number , but im not sure how to automate if let say this “Name/ MR Test ABC DOB/ 27 June 1993” is in maybe in second row / third row.
Is there any other ways to automate this other that read the row number instead.
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Hey @user123mem
I got partially understood your query ?
So here you are trying to say - you have a string and you want to find the matching row number from the excel ?
There are multiple ways to to do this.
Read the excel using a read range activity then assign it to DBTest (Datatable variable).Use For Each Row in Data Table to loop DBTest datatable while having a int variable as a counter which increments each time it loops.
In the If condition Use CurrentRow(“ColumnNumber”).toString.Contains(strTest1)
In the Write range set the range as “C” with the counter
Add use the above but instead of using write Cell just use CurrentRow(“ColumnNumber”) = “Name Unmatch” or vise versa. then write the data table to the excel sheat
Yes , Correct. But the problem is , this column doesnt have a header since this information here actually is a pdf form which converted into excel files. so the information ada data is dumped into one column.
Here is the example how my table excel looks like

As you can see, in the first row already have a few information that i need to verify, Eg Name, DOB and also Age. and on another column is the Status column, where i will stamped the info here if matched.
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So basically you want to update the status column ?
no, i just to want to find if there is any other way to to match verification here if the row number for Name/ DOB /Age will be at row 5 or 6 . meaning the structure of the form is not fix.
As for my solution now, i read the row number to do some match “DBTest.Rows(1)(0).ToString.Contains(strTest1)”
so i just want to know is there any other way to find specifc word and compare it and stamp the value Match if found it.
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hi in this case , this column didnt have a Column name
Hey @user123mem
Yes, you can do that by looping through the rows