Match the Folder and zip the File and Share Email

Hello Community,

I have a process that has details of Corp ID in an excel sheet. according to the corp ID we have a folder created in another Process.

In that Folder is Named with the Corp ID and IF corp id is not there. So now we need to attach the Folder which Matches the CorpID is not there it will create the folder with Company Name.

So now as per the attached sheet

Now we need to create a flow if Corp ID is there and the requirement is " Y" that needs to check in the Folder Path for the Corp ID Name if Found it needs to be Zip and password protected as [Corp id][YYYYMM] and share to the Respective Corp ID row email id’s as per Attachment.

if Corp ID is Not there and the requirement is " Y" that needs to check in the Folder Path for the Company Name and it needs to be Zip and password protected as [Corp id][YYYYMM] and share to the Respective row email id’s as per Attachment.

Can anyone help me with the Flow?

EmailList.xlsx (11.7 KB)

Hello Community,

can anyone help me out for the flow.


Hi @chaitanyaKumar

Try this approach

  1. Read the excel file - dt_EmailList
  2. Remove the new line character from the data column names
  3. Filter the data table for which mail is to be sent and the folder is present in the directory
  4. Create zip of the folder
  5. Send the mail with the zip file attached
  6. Delete the zip file

Refer the xaml attached

MatchFolderZipFileAndEmail.xaml (20.7 KB)

Thanks so Much it helped a lot for me

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