Match row with config file

I am trying to match specific Keyword from a Config file. Can somebody help me with that.
This is what I got so far




Can you elaborate your requirement?

Do you already have config variable from excel sheet?
What is your input and output you expect.


My Variable for Config Sheet 1 is in_config. The variable for sheet “Type” is “in_TypeDataTable”.

I have a list of property which I have to match with a keyword located in config file sheet “Types”


If the keyword matches with the property list I need to write that in the new file.

I hope this make sense.

I am stuck here


The config file sheet is the above image,right?
Can you share specific sample of a list of property?

If assume it’s {"Hotel","Inn"} as listProerty, the follwoing expression filter if it exists in Types column of datatable.

filteredListProperty = llistProperty.Where(Function(s) in_TypeDataTAble.AsEnumerable.Any(Function(r) r("Types").ToString=s)).ToList

Then filteredListProperty = {"Hotel"} , you can write each item in ForEach activity.


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thanks heaps

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