Making read range activitiy more dynamic

Is the a way to make the browser file more dynamic, for example I have a dated case where it is dated daily is there a way to make the activity choose the most recent file in the folder?

E.g. Casestudy-27072022.xls was picked up today and then Casestudy-28072022.xls was picked up tomorrow?

Hi @duaine.bonsu

You could try this dynamic file name




Yes, we can do that

We can give the system date to pick the today’s date file

Assign Folderpath ="Desktop\InputFolder\"
Assign ArrFiles = (FolderPath,"Casestudy-"+Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy")+".xls")

Take one for each row and pass the ArrFiles

This will give you the currentDate File


Perfect, this worked well for me :+1:

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