Mainframe Terminal Session - Already logged in issue

Hi Team,

I’m trying to connect the mainframe by using direct connection and now when I try to connect the mainframe it shows as already logged on error.

Could you please assist me if the UiPath executor is running in the background, as it might be causing the ‘already logged on’ error by keeping the previous session active?

Kindly help me in this.


Before you try to connect with Mainframe, set all the variables or connection variables to Nothing. After this add your connection logic. This should resolve your issue.

Ashok :slight_smile:

Hi @shyamala_shyamu

Before connecting the terminal you can use kill process activity.

"Pcsws” in ProcessName.


Thanks for your quick response.I have tried this but it didn’t work…

I am getting the same error message when I try login via manually.

kindly help me how can we disconnect the existing connection…


After Kill process try this.

Ashok :slight_smile:

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Have you tried to kill the process manually once using task manager and try to restart and reuse the code please

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Thanks for your help.It’s working fine.

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Thank you so much for your help…I have tried this and it’s working perfectly.

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