Looping through Web Page Logins - Works on the first pass ... fails on second

Hi, I have a flow that takes a list of usernames and passwords from excel and for each user logs in to a web page - performs a few clicks and signs out for the process to repeat until the last user is processed.

The first user logs in with no problems and signs out. When it comes to the second user the element cannot be located on web page and throws the following error:

**Input User Name: Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector: html app=‘chrome.exe’ title=‘Login Paget’ /><webctrl id=‘username’ tag=‘INPUT’ **

Can any one help or offer any advice please?

Many thanks!


Try the below steps:

I think the problem is with the selector.

Kindly check if the title changes when you log in for the second time.


Hi thanks for the reply! How can I check this ?


Try the below steps:

I think you are using an Attach Browser activity.
Do a Indicate on screen and select the first screen.
Then login with the first credentials and then logout
Now in the same Attach browser - Edit the selector and choose the repair option.
Select the screen (the one that appears after the logout)

This should fix the problem. If it doesn’t kindly post a screenshot of the sequence where the error occurs and the corresponding selector.


@Fiorano it might be easier for you to just close the webpage after logging the user out and then looping back to the activity where you log in. This way you wont have to fine tune your selectors. The bot might not run as quickly but you also minimize the risk of your browser timing out.

Are you recommending to close the browser and open it for each transaction ? This adds unnecessary overhead to the process which can be avoided if the selectors are handled properly.

Thanks!! Worked!

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