Lookup Data table with web scraped text (full text) Input variable

Hello everyone and a happy new year!

Thank you for all the information within this forum, it helped me a lot. :slight_smile:

At the moment i face an issue with the scraped text (full text) method. I want to use the scraped variable as a Lookup Value in a data table to find the corresponding information for a flow decision. So far I get the correct information in a message box but if i use it in Lookup Data Table it´s not working (input value is converted to string). Does someone know a solution or a better way to go?

Thank you in advance!


Scrapping the data the datatype is String.
while you lookup data table you better to check the datatype in your Datatable. if the datatype is not String then you need to convert to that datatype.


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Hello Venky,

thank you for your reply! :slight_smile:

You are right. In my datatable i have numbers e.g. 939003 which i have formatted as text in excel. Do I have to set the format separately in the datatable? If yes do know what kind of VB formula do i have to use? Something like this? mydatatable.column.ToString?

Hi @Diophantos,
Can u share ur workflow ,so that i can have closer look on the issue.

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Hi @Chetan94k ,

great to see your reply.

Please find below the workflow. :grinning:

Test_Scrape_Lookup.xaml (40.4 KB)

Hi @Diophantos
Above workflow is not working because of credentials ,i believe.So i am not able to see your error at data lookup.
Can you send the screenshot of your error.

screenshots plz?