Lookup Data Table activity does not work

I use “for each row in datatable” activity to get CurrentRow, inside for each, I use “Lookup Data Table” and assign vlookup result to variables.
The details shown below:

dt_DivMapping data table shown below:

dt_SourceData_CorrectPendingLevel_NotBlankApprover data table shown below:

after lookup, I get blank result

but my ideal result should as mentioned in screen shot marked in circle(I2O WOFE1 L).
Process_ProcessSourceData(Autosaved).xaml (44.3 KB)
China_DivMapping.xlsx (9.2 KB)
PQ_List.xlsx (4.2 KB)

How can I get that result? I was puzzled by this problem for two days. Please give me a hand.


Can you give input and expected output

Have you tested to change your lookup ColumnIndex to 0?


SourceDataCorrectPendingLevel & NotblankApprover QuoteNumber,First Division,QuoteName,QuoteName_Prefix,CreatedBy,PendingLevel,Highestlevel,CircleTime_PendingHour,CircleTime_TotalHour,LastApprovalDate,ActualRequestDate,SubmittedDate,CurrentTime,PendingApprover,PendingApproverEmail,DivMailBoxName,DivMailAddress_FullName\r\n1-8OS65LB,SALES CO - SINGAPORE,INGSG_SR0009157786_WS140923_MONEL MODEC,INGSG,"Admin, EIM",2,3,114.255479629675,331.572146296268,09/15/2023 17:08:00,09/06/2023 15:49:00,09/14/2023 23:47:00,09/20/2023 11:23:19,JACKSON CHAN,jackson.chan@parker.com,\r\n
output: I2O WOFE1 L (in China_DivMapping.xlsx)

I want to search this column, so the index maybe should still 1