Try this way:
=> Use Read PDF with OCR activity and save the output to a variable say pdfTextVariable
=>Use the below code in Invoke Code activity. Change the path where you want to store the word document in 10th line.
' Initialize Word application
Dim wordApp As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application()
' Create a new document
Dim doc As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document = wordApp.Documents.Add()
' Get PDF text from UiPath variable (pdfTextVariable)
Dim pdfText As String = pdfTextVariable
' Paste the text into Word document
doc.Content.Text = pdfText
' Save the Word document to a desired location
doc.SaveAs("C:\Users\"+Environment.UserName+"\Documents\UiPath\Beginners Learning Challenge 3 PDF automation\Output.docx")
' Close Word application and clean up
Invoked Arguments:
Hope it helps!!