My execution threw an error while trying to execute a hotkey
These are the details: RemoteException wrapping UiPath.Core.ElementOperationException: Error: LoadString(168) failed! —> RemoteException wrapping
For what I have been reading, LoadString is being described as some localization bug that doesn’t allow to show the original exception message???
Maybe because of the language defined upon installation?
But besides that, can someone please tell me what should be the original message?? I saw someone from UiPath answering in a topic the original message but for another code (not the 168).
Ok, but I use Studio in another machine just to build and publish projects. These executions I am mentioning are being launched from Orchestrator to the Unattended robots.
Do you think I need to change settings of Studio and publish all projects again?
And robot languages?
These machines always have studio installed, but not Studio license, so I think I can not change language on these?
Windows is always on English, but I think some robots and Studio are in Portuguese indeed.
Also, could you update your UiAutomation and System activity packages?
It would help if you could provide the full error stack of the message + your Studio version.
Could you try updating the two packages as a test:
As far as the actual error code, are you maybe using a value for the special key that is not on the dropdown. For example, the - character is not supported but minus will work:
My major problem here is not the error itself. I even think that the exception.tostring was probably like “uipath desktop disconnected while performing ui actions”, although not sure.
What I want is to discover the real reason why string exceptions are not showing, and loadstring is there instead.
This happened after I updated to the 2019.10.4 version.
The language thing may be contributing here yes. But I wanted to make sure how can I reset it perfectly. What should be the procedure? really just changing setings? reinstalling??
Changing studio language settings didn’t change anything ( I forgot that I already had done it a few days ago) . But maybe we need to check robots too? and published again the projects after everything is in English ?
What do you think?