I have datatable with 25 columns.
And first column name is ID.
How with LINQ I can get all ID, which is more than one in datatable?
Do you mean duplicate ID?
It won’t help here, as 25 columns and other columns have different values.
I just need to get all IDs with more than one record
Well, I do not understand this statement:
Maybe you could give an example
Simple example. We have datatable
And I must get only 1,3,5 because they more than 1 record in DT
First create list of all IDs
IDList = dt.AsEnumerable.Select(function(row) row(“ID”).ToString).ToList()
then filter out every item that occurs only once
DuplicateIDs = IDList.Distinct().Where(function(item) IDList.LastIndexOf(item) <> IDList.IndexOf(item) ).ToList()
In my example I used list of strings, but you can use ints if this suits you better.
There probably is a better way to do it, but this works for me.
Assuming you need just the duplicate IDs and the ID is string
StrArray = (From row In dt.AsEnumerable
Group row By keys = New With {
key .ID = row.field(Of String)(“ID”)}
Into gr = Group
Where gr.Count() > 1
Select keys.ID
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