To clarify further - our stakeholder is asking if they can but one studio license for someone on our AP team who would have 4 robots running on their workstation during off hours…possible?
1 Developer Studio license comes with 1 robot only (to be able to manually run the process on the machine the Studio is licenced on). You cannot run more than 1 simultaneous process with 1 Developer Studio license.
On top of it, Studio cannot be use for efficient development when running the process because trying to run another process from Studio when one is already running will result in an error message.
Basically, the simplest way to put it, for simultaneous run: 1 process = 1 robot license
As to the amount of robots you get from the 60 day trial license, I believe it is 10.
The number of robots you can run simultaneously depends on the settings of the machine. If it is a Windows 7/10 machine, it will require a special workaround that I’m not sure is supported (but maybe). If it is a Windows Server, you will need to enable the Licensing feature, which may cost money (but there is a trial period usually).
A Robot is basically a simulation of a human and is represented by a user profile. So, it’s only limited by how many “users” you can log in one machine. And, if you have multiple machines, you can re-use the same user just like a human logging into multiple machines at once.
The alternative will be that you run all the robotic processes using 1 user profile at one time, which would work up to a certain number of processes you have to run in a day, but eventually you will run out of available time in a day and will need more than 1 robot running at one time.
In my company ((EDIT: in my department of the company)), we use 10 Robots on a Windows Server 2012 R2, and we are getting close to needing more available robots - with like over 50 UiPath processes. But, we need to run most jobs early in the morning which is why. We also allow Adhoc users to trigger certain jobs, so we need to make sure there are available robots (again, “Robot” is a simulation of a human and needs to log in just like a user would)
Hope this helps, and this is just from my experience.
I am pretty familiar with how bots work, my question was more about the extent of capabilities with more than one bot one machine that has studio on it. So, for example, my company wants to know if they can buy just one studio license and “get away with” running multiple bots - my answer has always been yes-technically its possible, but they don’t seem to understand that assisted bots must be triggered by a human, and on the same machine it will interrupt their work…the biggest issue I am having is explaining how they would best use assisted (cheaper) bots with only a few studio licenses installed on 2 users’ machines.
Yes, good point.
In practice, you really can’t have a robot interact with applications while also allowing the human to do other things at the same time. Technically, it depends on what the robot does though and the applications it is working with. Attended is more like using the Robot as an assistant.
However, if you have the Studio license on a server, this would work because the human can do their work on their own computer while also running robots in a RDP connection, and this would allow better multi-tasking.
Currently, I’m more aware of the Unattended solution, but as a developer, I multi-task a lot by using an RDP connection to run and test jobs while I can also do things on my work computer at the same time.
For some reason, I didnt confirm this when we were quoted it. UIPath licenses (all bot types, studio and orchestrator) are all annual recurring fees right? Someone told me that they quote a 3 year plan for however many bots, and then you “own” the bot after that point—but that’s not correct right? I always assumed it was a perpetual annual license that goes into perpetuity, much like office 365 monthly costs - please confirm and thank everyone in advance!
I’m not sure about costs, so @loginerror would need to direct you. Or contact Sales.
Hi @Alex_Myers
It is indeed best to contact our sales for most up-to-date information. I wouldn’t want to give out wrong information.
Right, thats the thing - we already have a quote - I dont need to know costs, I just need to understand recurrence over time.
Hi Everyone,
@ClaytonM @loginerror
Can anyone please suggest the type of studio license required to run 2 different processes(different workflow) by 2 different users independently at a same time on a virtual machine?
Actually we don’t need orchestrator license to run those processes, only studio is enough.
We need to create different permission for both the users as they are accessing from different location. Can this be handled with windows 10 OS? if not what is the best option.
Thanks in advance,
Need: 2 unattended robot to be deployed in production, Production and Non-Prod Orchestrator, 5 developers doing R&D/dev/test.
Note: CE edition is not an option.
License - 2 Orch, 5 Studio, 2 Prod unattended concurrent runtime, 5 dev robot.
Is this accurate.
@RobotLearner I’m probably the wrong person to ask and I don’t know your environment or company situation to deploy the robots on… But, if Prod is on a VM and the Studios are on laptops, there’s going to be a major impact on server migration. This is because laptops use personal configurations which don’t necessarily work as a consistent solution for RPA, while the Prod server will have potential a different configuration.
These differences can mean that you develop a solution that doesn’t work in Prod. However, if the Studios will be in a VM that mirrors the Prod, then I can see this working… But, even then, you can’t really do that much testing using a Dev Robot since you could be running a job that takes an hour, and as a developer, you can’t be doing anything while it is running on that robot. - and you don’t really want to migrate a broken job into Prod because you took shortcuts while testing.
I would also comment on having 2 Prod runtimes, because this will most definitely create a backlog of jobs. Let’s assume 5 developers deploy a new job every 2-4 weeks (or more depending on experience and how well RPA is implemented with forward-thinking)… After a few months, you could have around 10 jobs fighting over 2 runtimes in the morning (cause most jobs would want to run in the morning anyway), and many jobs could take several hours, especially the ones that require you to download several documents. Not to mention, you wouldn’t really be able to fully utilize Queues since running them on multiple jobs would be out of the question.
Again, I’m probably not a good person to get advice on this, cause as I understand robots are expensive too. So, you should consult UiPath on this. Contact Sales - RPA Business Process Strategy | UiPath
Hi, so. for developer robot u are using Windows Server OS too ?
I use my developer runtime mainly on the Windows Server OS as a floating robot, so I can easily switch to one of different Dev machines. However, I also use another developer runtime for my personal work laptop as a standard robot, so I can play with Studio in two places and not waste time, as we have enough developer licenses for this. I feel as though it gives me freedom, but you know it depends on your situation.
If someone put a gun to my head and said you can only use one developer runtime to develop, learn, and practice RPA… I think using the remote Server machines would be preferred, so you can multi-task and create solutions on machines that are consistent with the Production environments.
And starting with 19.10 version you can use your Studio license to easily connect to Orchestrator with External license feature. So with this, when connecting Studio to Orchestrator it won’t consume a license
Hi @ClaytonM thanks for your input. I still confuse about floating.
what is the best practive to use floating Robot?
Floating robot still uses 1 runtime license (Developer, Unattended, NonProduction, etc), but it only connects to the “user account” that is signed on to a machine listed in the Machines section of Orchestrator. Once that user account signs off, the floating robot will disconnect and free up the runtime license. So, for example, if you have a user signed on to 2 different machines, the floating robot will only connect to the first logon session that was created and stay connected until the user signs of that first logon session.
You would use this if you have multiple machines (for example, 3 machines) and a single user is trying to use each machine while only using 1 robot. Technically, they could use 3 standard robots instead of a single floating robot, but uses more runtime licenses.
Just remember that you need to sign off of the first machine before it can connect to another machine for that user.
It is better understood if you just play around with it, that is if you have a multiple-machine environment.
if you have 3 production license. how many production machines will be recommended to have??