Licensing and number of users

I would like to have more informations about the licensign and the number of users that can use the same license Key.
License activation key for:
1 x Orchestrator (3 Attended NU, 2 Studio NU) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
1 x Studio Nu (2 activations) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I have this description in the invoice.
What does it mean? It means that only two users can use the same license at the same time?

Also, when I want to activaete the RObot License I have to use the same key?

Thank you so much, Camilla

Hi really. I don’t have idea about licence. Better contact the sales team .




On Sat, 6 Oct 2018, 8:08 am CamiCat, wrote:

Robot Master

    October 6


I would like to have more informations about the licensign and the number of users that can use the same license Key.

License activation key for:

1 x Orchestrator (3 Attended NU, 2 Studio NU) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1 x Studio Nu (2 activations) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I have this description in the invoice.

What does it mean? It means that only two users can use the same license at the same time?

Also, when I want to activaete the RObot License I have to use the same key?

Thank you so much, Camilla

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Hi @Ninett_Panfir, @ovi
Can you please clarify me the following points:

  1. At the moment so only two users can use the Robot license at the same time?
    I explain here my situation:
    On both the Development and Production machine there are 3 different users.
    The license key has been installed on the two machines: the Development and the Production machine.
    How many users can use the license at the same time on each Machine?
  2. Where someone can find the information about the maximum number of users that can access the machine at the same time?

Thank you so much,


I don’t know if I can answer this fully for you, but here it goes:

The Studio licenses are per machine, so you only need one for each installation I believe. (if you don’t use Orchestrator, I don’t think you need any Robot licenses - atleast that’s how it used to be)

The Robot licenses are per Robot in Orchestrator, but you can only connect a Robot to one user per machine at a time. So, if you have 3 users on 2 machines, you would need 6 Robot licenses in order to make effective use of the users. Additionally, you can use less Robot licenses (like 3 for example) if you plan to edit the Robot each time you want to change that Robot to a different machine and/or user, but this method can be very annoying and inconvenient at times.

Here is a sample of how my company has it set up currently:

The “Unattended” showing 10 of 10 allows us to have 10 Robots to run on a machine all at the same time. The “Development” allows us to connect a laptop or development environment to Orchestrator so we can get information from Orchestrator (like Assets) while creating a project (it also runs from Orchestrator like the other Robot license). “NonProduction” Robots are really just allowing us to use a Robot for testing that doesn’t interfere with the Robot users that run our already completely deployed projects. Also, I think “Attended” will be similar to “Unattended”.

There is another setting here:

That is for 3 machines for “Unattended”, so by changing the Runtimes , it will only allow that many Jobs to run at the same time on that machine.

But, most importantly, you must consult your Server admins to install the Remote Licensing feature that will allow more than 2 users logged in simultaneously (which is the default). Once that is installed, you can log as many users at one time as the server performance will allow. (keep in mind that Windows 7 and 10 most likely will not let you log more than 1 user at once without some workaround, so I’m mainly talking about Windows Server which can allow as many as you want)

I hope this helps answer some of the technical questions until you get a better expert to answer them. :stuck_out_tongue:

You would probably get a better understanding of the licensing model from an UiPath rep.
You can also try the support line here: Contact Licensing Queries & Activations




Thank you so much @ClaytonM.
Your answer is full and plenty.
Since I don’t know how many activations I have for the license key of UiPath Studio I’ve installed, I opened a ticket to the Technical Support.
I’ll let you know as soon as possible.
Thank you so much,
Camilla :slight_smile:

Hi there,

Short answer:

  • 1 x Studio Nu (2 activations) means that Studio can be activated with the same key by two different users only.
  • 1 x Orchestrator (3 Attended NU, 2 Studio NU) - this is the license key you use to generate the license file to upload in Orchestrator. After uploading it, when you connect a Robot to Orchestrator it will be licensed automatically.

Another point, why isn’t this post public? There is no sensitive information here and @ClaytonM’s answer is very thorough so I’m sure it can help a lot of people.


Thank you so much @ovi.
Do you mean that the 2 activations can be use simultaneously, but yes, each of them can be used by only 1 user.?
Thank you so much for your kind response,
Camilla :slight_smile:

That’s correct

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Do you mean that the 2 studio named user- activations can be use simultaneously(same time) on 1 vm server?

what about 1 node locked studio( multiple users on 1 vm machine).Is it possible to have multiple users build the workflows( simutaneously) at the same time on 1 server.

Hopefully I don’t give you wrong info because I don’t currently work with our license agreements.
You will need a node activation, meaning it installs for the entire server machine (VM machine), so multiple users can use the Studio at the same time on the same server machine.

Additionally, you will need “Developer” Robot licenses for each user, to connect to each user so that they can integrate with Orchestrator, and also Studio won’t let you run anything in Studio if there is not a robot connected for that user.

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ClaytonM thank you for the quick reply.

so for studio named user to work simultaneously i need 2 vm machines.

for studio node locked:
Confussing! Someone of Uipath on this forum says its not allowed to work simultaneously and you say its possible. how come you dont work with your license agreements?

Further where did you find the information about developer robot licenses. This is new for me! what do you mean with developer robot licenses and where did you find this information. or do you mean developer license as a attended license for a robot?

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by the way what are the price for developer robot licenses. This kind of licensing is not cheap for the customers.

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“Development” Robot licenses allow each developer on your team to connect a robot to each user so they can integrate with Orchestrator (like get Assets or run Jobs - From either Studio or Orchestrator). These Robots can be edited to a different machine or user whenever desired (like for example if a developer wants to work from a laptop one day then maybe decides to develop on a server another day, they can edit their development robot).

Here is a snippet from Orchestrator displaying the 4 types of Robot licenses:

So then you must decide if you want a Studio license on each developer’s personal work computer, or only on a server, or on both the developer’s computer and the server. - this is something always being discussed, because honestly it’s better to develop in a mirror of the robot environment, and it is almost impossible for a Win 7/10 personal machine to mirror a robot environment running on Windows Server OS. But, at the same time, you need UiPath on your personal machine for multi-tasking, learning, or if server is inaccessible.

If you want a Studio license on the server to be used by multiple developers, this is definitely possible. Note: this can only be done in Windows Server with Remote Licensing Feature enabled, like I have mentioned.

However, you also need the “Development” Robot licenses to go with it or the developers will not be able to run anything and will receive “A robot doesn’t exist for the user” error.

Additionally, Development Robots can be used as attended or unattended if desired (just fyi)

Here is documentation that describes licenses: Service licensing

The licensing model has changed many times in past 2 years, so it’s hard to keep up :laughing:

@ovi or @loginerror can probably elaborate or provide better details.


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Just to clarify this point, I mean for development/testing purposes. So like if you want to test unattended mode, you can.

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Ok. for example:

I got a for a developer environment windows vm machine 1 node locked studio. 2 developers want to work on 2 different processes and the same time.

the customer wants 2 attended node lock robots for production for 2 processes. For each process we have 2 endusers.

So you are saying if studio node locked is installed on a developemnt environment , the developers are not able to build workflows??? because the need 2 more licenses as the attended node locked licenses for production? so i need 2 licenses to build the processes and deploy it on production and activate it with the production licenses attended node locked? right?
This makes no sense.

So if i choice for a standaard studio named user on a development environment for one developer and the customer wants 1 attended node locked license for production… that means i can not develop anything unless i buy a development robot license? so if i deploy it then i can acitvate it as a attended node locked user for production?

The documents about licensing does not help a lot.

The pricing model is not easy, true !!

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Technically, you can develop using the attended licenses, but the issue will be that you can’t utilize the processes while you are developing since the development would be interrupted by processes running. So it would not really be considered a “Production” Robot.

If you want a real “Production” environment, then you will want “Development” or “NonProduction” Robot licenses to be used for development and testing.

You can develop as long as there is a Studio installed, however you need a Robot connected to that user that is developing or you won’t be able to run the job and integrate with Orchestrator. The Robot connected can be any Robot license (technically). But, like I said, you wouldn’t want to use Production Attended for development if those Robots are being utilized in a Production environment. So you need 2 other Robots so the developers can integrate with Orchestrator and test their developed processes.

Hopefully, I’m not confusing you even more, haha.

Simply put,
You can do this 2 ways:
Have 2 Robots in Orchestrator - Attended licenses - both using same server - developers use the same user profile to develop the process and deploy on those 2 robots - developers run attended jobs while being logged into server.


Have 4 Robots in Orchestrator - 2 Attended license, 2 Development or NonProduction - all using the same server or using multiple machines - developers use 2 Robots to develop with, then deploy to Attended Robots - Attended user runs job while logged in

Sorry, if this is unclear or parts are inaccurate. I’m more familiar with High Density and Unattended environments.

Regards. Hopefully a UiPath rep can reply to your questions tomorrow.



ClaytonM Thanks a lot! Other question:
If the customer wants a studio for development environment and 1 attended production license.

Do i need a active license studio(not trial) to build the robot and do i need a developer license? What are the costs for a developer/ non production license robot?

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I have perhaps a simpler question. Unattended or attended - my company only wants to budget for 1 studio license. Basically, before they scale further they need to know how many bots could theoretically “work” on one studio-only license, and what the limitations would be. My understanding from this thread is that you can connect quite a few bots to a studio license, but only so many can run in production at once. Basically, my leadership wants to explain simply to execs if they need to buy another studio license for every robot…

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Hi @Alex_Myers

To test, you can always request the Trial edition that will last 60 days for free (this is meant exactly for the purpose of Proof of Concept works).

As to the basic question - can I run production process on a Studio development license, see here :slight_smile:

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Right, but HOW MANY and under what limitations? My understanding is that a studio license is locked to one user workstation, but if the workstation has multiple bots installed on it, can they all run at once? My guess is that its technically unlimited, but wouldnt make sense to do it this way in most cases, this is what im trying to validate.

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