License Not Activated


License type(Trial/License code):

Studio/Robot version:19.4.3

Current behavior:


Problem Description : when we used the bellow license to activated the Uipath Studio, an error message is displayed “Subscription Expired”
Trial code: 386749054882197438

Échec de l’activation avec l’erreur : 0
Description de l’erreur : No Error
État de la licence : Subscription Expired

ID de périphérique : Af77hT8Qv9FmObdJlsGg
Ordinateur : DESKTOP-B3EQ0US
Nom d’utilisateur : Administrateur

Hi @Youssef_HAKIM,
Welcome to the Community!
If it’s trial license for Enterprise version of Studio and you never used it please contact with our Technical Support.

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Thank you for your return,

I’m already contacted the technical support for more than 3 days, and until now there is no return.
is very urgent :frowning:

Ticket has been aswered. In order to get a trial license extension please contact with Account Manager assigned to the company.