I need a liitle help with the assignment 1 task.
i try to run the level 3 assignment 1 framework, but i couldn’t solve the Init problem.
Several error messages pops up:
- “No assets defined for the process” - I don’t understand, because the config has all assets and URLs in the settings sheet and in the asset sheet and the orchestrator has the credential asset (System1_credential). In Orchestrator are saved my username and the password for the acme-test.
- “System error at initialization: The given key was not present in the dictionary. at Source: mscorlib” - What can I do ?
If i start the LoginProcess separately, then a small windows pops up with the entry fields of name and passoword. I think, it comes from Orchestrator. Te next worflows work fine (WI Deails, Data Table etc.). I think it is a credential problem ?