Level 3 Assignment (Generate Reports)- The year drop down does not have 2017 as option

Hello guys,

I am working on Level 3 assignment and noticed that the year drop down in ‘Download Monthly Reports’ section has only 2018 and 2019 as option. I guess as we are in 2019, there is no 2017 in the list.

Can anyone suggest a workaround or any solution?


Hi @shailesh.thote

This is right so now you have to generate reports for 2018 or we can say for year which is smaller in the available list.

If there is no data in 2018 then there is a problem. One more thing you will only get 4-5 monthsreports for an year you will not get 12 reports for an year.


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So where ever I don’t get the reports, if I have bypass that month and generate yearly report without them, will this work for clearing the assignment?

Yes that is right, if there is no report for a particular month just click on the ok button of the popup and go for the next month.


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I am doing the assignment and i have tested for various WI4 work items, copied the TaxID into the monthly download page, manually selected a month and the year 2018 and the error message of no report comes up every single time. I am doing it manually just to get the selectors for save as, but no WI is giving me a report. I have refreshed my data , logged in and logged out but nothing has changed, for every month I try with every WI4 work item it says there is no report available for this vendor/month/year. I even tried and with 2019 for some of the WI’s and still nothing. Anyone else had this/know how to rectify this??