When trying to upload the aggregated XL file for a particular Vendor TaxID & Year, in some cases, i get the following error:
Assign out_UploadID: startIndex cannot be larger than length of string. Parameter name: startIndex Invoke System1_Upload_YearlyReport workflow: startIndex cannot be larger than length of string. Parameter name: startIndex System exception.startIndex cannot be larger than length of string. Parameter name: startIndex at Source: Invoke System1_Upload_YearlyReport workflow: Assign out_UploadID
Any ideas why is that happening?
In addition, what’s the most accurate way to get the Id from a successful file upload? I have used screen-scraping and trying to parse the information (exclude ending OK, triming the string etc.), but is there something more efficient?
Looks like you are not getting a value for either out_uploadID or startIndex variables.
Can you try using the debug mode? It will help you figure out why you are not getting a value for thosevriables. Are trying a substring or any other string manipulation? This error occur in such cases where you dont get a value for that variable
I did so, i added a few checks (to ensure that the var is not null), but once i tried to ran it in the entire set of transactions, it ended up with several errors.
I noticed that in most of the cases, the “file upload” of ACME might return a failure - why is that? i dont get the error, but a simple notification.
File upload should always provide a success result from the acme system and it should provide us with a hash code so that we can grab it to update the work item. If in some cases it results in an error, just make sure the file you are uploading has the correct name in it. Additionally the file should not be empty. It should have the required data.
Please verify the text scraping part of the “uploadID” which we get after uploading and before using any string manipulation part log and see whether the scraping has been successful and you got what you scraped and after that you try to manipulate over that… Please also ensure that the index of string starts from 0 as it is an array of characters.