Level 3 Assignment 2 Problem Upload yearly report message window

Hey guys.
I’m having problems with my selector for clicking OK when uploading my yearly report, specially when its been opened a few times and there is the extra “Dont let this page create more messages”. I’ve made it work fine during the download monthly report part but it doesn’t seem to work here.
Here is the message box i’m talking about

Here is the error:

Here is my code for the System1_UploadYearlyReport:
System1_UploadYearlyReport.xaml (21.2 KB)

Any help would be much appreciated.


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Yes you will find two different pop-up’s. Use Element Exists activity and indicate those two pop-up’s. Based on which pop up it shows go to corresponding flow to Click Ok and follow other steps.

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If you check my xaml you’ll see I already have 1 element exists activity, should I use two, one for each?
I had it so if it detected the first normal pop up it would select the OK button, but if it didn’t then it would know its the other one and select that.

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Yes you need to use two Element Exists activities for each Pop-up.

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Thanks for the help, sorry for the delay as I was testing it out!

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