I try to build the level3 assignment 1 workflow. But ihave no success. Can anyone share it the full xaml files for this workflow or perhaps the init part?
Many Thanks
Hi @tronnitron,
Can you specify where exactly you are encountering problems?
Hi, I think the Initialization prozess hangs. Following error message:
System error at initialization: The given key was not present in the dictionary. at Source: mscorlib”
I don‘t know what the problem is. Which key ?
It is referring to the in_Config(KEYNAME).ToString you must be given as values to the arguments!
Make sure that key there is the same name as in the config file, and matches that in the orchestrator!
Yes, the argument for example System1_URL from Config.xlsx is „in_Config(„System1_URL“).ToString. The same is for System1Credential.
The same name is in orchestrator as asset, but only for the credential, right?
Yes…also check the key for url is correct and you’ve provided values to all arguments, and the config file must be closed too
The key for the URL is n the settings tab in the value column. https://www.acme-test.com.
I have checked the entries of in_arguments (URL and Credential) in the workflow. I can see this values only in the import box, but not in the workflow under the arguments panel? Is this ok, or should i enter the values in workflow too ? All variables and arguments are defined in the workflow.
check this link