Hi, let me know you my problem. I’m doing the assigment 1 of the level 3. I created these arguments in my “invoke Extract Data Table” :
- out_WorkItems_DataTable > out > Data Table > WorkItems_DataTable (Default value)
- out_WorkItemsList > out > Data Row > WorkItemsList (Default value)
And these in my “Invoke Get Transaction Data” :
- in_WorkItemsList > in > Data Row > WorkItemsList (Default value)
- And others…
But when i want to have the count of WorkItemsList in Get Transaction Data, i have this error : The value cannot be null
For more informations:
I created the variable WorkItemsList in my main and when i calculate the count of WorkItemsList after my extract, i have a result. So my Assign works to recover the WorkItemList with a type of WI5 and an open status.
Please, help me and don’t hesitate if you need more informations.