Level 3 - Add Queue Item failed

Hi folks,

I got stuck in the Walktrough 1 page 2 step “Let’s run this sequence and then check the queue for new items”.

My sequence looks like the one in the PDF but I get an error:
Compiler error (s) applying processing expression “Queue1”.
“Queue1” is not declared. The object may not be accessible due to the protection level."

I also added a queue with the same name on the Orchestrator.

1. Is it necessary to declare a variable for the queue or the queue items?
2. Overall questions: should the sequence take place within the Master Framework project?

Thank you very much for your help in advance and I hope you can help me with this.
Greetings to the whole team.

Queue name must be enclose double quote like “Queue1”



Thx. What an obvious error.