Lesson 9 2B Revamped


Need a some help please, For lesson 9 practical 2 part B I am getting an error in my sequence for the Filter Data Table I am getting:

I´ve tried downloading the answer to see what they have done unfortunately im getting:

I have downloaded all the packages and read on the forum how to fix this issue, however hasnt worked (have downloaded all packages)

anyways so I am unable to check and compare our Filter Data Table to check if I have done exactly what they have said : “Use a Filter Data Table activity. Click on the Filter Wizard, add consolidatedDT as input and output, and select remove rows, because we want to get rid of the rows where the ID value is of less than 10.”

Here is a pic of my filter wizard

So not entirely sure where the error comes in as it doesnt exactly tell you to set ColumnName? or not sure where to add it?

@Tadrabs Give value “10” in double quotes

@indra Thank you :slight_smile:

I did try that and am still having the same error


what error you are getting now

same one…

It means column name is not fetching from excel check column name is there is any space


For the “Read Range” activity, Please check if the “Add Headers” Property is checked ? If Not Please do make sure to checked and try again.

yes, checked … no spaces :confused:

Hi Mahesh,

yes I made sure to check headers… :slight_smile:

Still the same error ?


can you share your workflow

Main.xaml (14.4 KB)

can you share supported files

Consolidate.xlsx (9.4 KB)
project.json (294 Bytes)


Can you please make sure to check the “Add Headers” property for the “Write Range” Activity and try ?

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After analysing your workflow came to know Issue was with write range so please change as shown by @Mahesh_Lakshmipathy
and pass number in floating format in filter data table value ex:10.0

Updated.xaml (14.1 KB)


You are a shining star , thank you so much!

Thank you so much Mahesh :slight_smile:

@indra Dats Fantastic!! :slight_smile:

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