Lesson 11 practice 2

Just want to report to @moderators that the there are 2 problems with the walkthrough:

  1. In “we replace the Range property value from “All” to 2, in order to read just the page 6 from the document”, shouldn’t the “6” be “2”?
  2. In the assignment “Sends an email with both documents attached and with the text from point 1 text from point 2 as Body”. But in the walkthrough, there’s no sample procedures for attaching the 2 PDFs. However, in the downloaded sample, the “set the Body property to the concatenated variables that keep the text pieces read from the two documents installationPDFText + invoicePDFText” is not observed, but I did find the attachments as .txt files.

Did I misunderstand the whole practice?

hi! I got the same error too. Regarding point 1, I assumed it was the other way around for the pages. I assumed that it was page 6 that they were requesting. So we need confirmation in this area.

Regarding point 2, the instructions in this section leaves a lot of room for error. The writing is short, and the expressions are completely different than the answer key. It would be helpful if UiPath were to rewrite this section for clarity and so it can be aligned to the answer key.


Good to have you confirm this!