Unexpected error has occurred during the library compilation process:
The assembly compilation returned the following errors:
Value of type ‘Object()’ cannot be converted to ‘List(Of String)’.
Value of type ‘Object()’ cannot be converted to ‘List(Of String)’.
I converted my Project from Legacy to Windows, and resolved all issues, but when i publish my process i am getting the error above, i have checked all the lists and they are initiated the right way. The only problem i could think of is when i use this linq query
(From l1 In strResultRegEx.AsQueryable.select(Function(x) x.value.ToString.Replace(" “,”")).ToList()
Join l2 In listMoment
On l1 Equals l2
Select l1).toList
So we would recommend to use List(Of String) as DataType
For AsQueryable we keep in mind: whenver this interface is not implemented it will fallback to AsEnumerable (statement as a short simplified summary on the technical details)
When all DataTypes are set to the String List maybe a LINQ rewrite can help
Asssign Activity
ResultList | String List =
(From l1 in strResultRegEx.Select(Function(x) x.ToString().Replace(" ",""))
Join l2 in ListMoment
On l1 Equals l2
Select v = l1).toList()
Tried the new query and its is giving me the same error message.
Really strange, and i have tried to convert it from Legacy to Windows two times and it is giving me the same message…