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UiPath Studio Web: A Beginner’s Guide to Automation

10 Reasons Why UiPath Studio Web is a Game-Changer in Automation

Show Reasons
  1. UiPath Studio Web is an online tool that helps automate tasks on the internet, making work easier and more efficient.
  2. It’s part of UiPath, a platform that mimics human actions on web applications.
  3. You can use UiPath Studio Web from any device, anywhere, since it’s based in the cloud.
  4. It’s user-friendly and doesn’t need any installation or setup.
  5. UiPath Studio Web can automate various tasks like customer service, accounting, order processing, employee onboarding, and web scraping.
  6. It works well with other tools like Microsoft 365, allowing smooth data transfer and synchronization.
  7. UiPath Studio Web uses features like Integration Service, Document Understanding, and Serverless Robots.
  8. It includes UiPath Autopilot™, which uses AI to enhance productivity across the UiPath platform.
  9. UiPath Autopilot™ for Assistant is an AI companion that helps with daily tasks, using both
    Generative AI and Specialized AI securely.
  10. UiPath Autopilot™ for Assistant can discover and run existing automations, combining them for more complex tasks. If there’s no pre-built automation, it can create new ones using AI on the spot.


Start with UiPath Studio Web

Studio Web can be accessed via the Automation Cloud account or this direct link: studio.uipath.com. If you don’t have an account, you can create it here.


Create a new project and assign an appropriate name for it.


Understanding development canvas


Data Manager

The Data Manager allows you to manage the data in an automation project. This data includes:

Variables - Store data and pass it between activities in a project.
Arguments - Store data and pass it into or out of a project.
Entities - Data stored in records from the UiPath Data Service, a centralized data modelling and storage service.
Connections - Links between your automation and external applications.

To access the Data Manager for a project, click the image icon on the upper-right side of the page.


Run process

In the Design panel, click on the ‘+’ icon to add a new sequence.

Click on the Run button in the Ribbon to execute your automation and check the Output panel for the message.

The use cases

1. Get the welcome message

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  1. Create New project by providing the appropriate name and description
  2. We can perform this in two ways
    • By using Log Message activity
    • By using Write Line activity
  3. Create New project and search for desired activity
  4. In the Design panel, click on the + icon to add a new sequence
    Solution 1:
    Create A new project
    Name *: welcome using Log
    Description -
    How to start the automation: Manually
    Click create
    click on the ‘+’ below trigger
    Search and Select Log Message activity
    Message: “Welcome to vajrang.org”
    Log level: select Info
    Run Project
    Verify message in output panel
    Create A new project
    Name *: welcome using WriteLine
    Description -
    How to start the automation: Manually
    Click create
    click on the ‘+’ below trigger
    Search and select WriteLine activity
    Add Write Line activity
    ext: “Vajrang.org is now trending in automation”
    Run Project
    Verify the message in output panel

2. How to Use WriteLine Activity in Studio Web

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  1. Create A new project
    Name *: welcome using WriteLine
    Description - How to start the automation: Manually
    Click create
  2. click on the ‘+’ below trigger
  3. Search and select WriteLine activity
  4. Add Write Line activity
    Text: “Vajrang.org is now trending in automation”
  5. Run Project
  6. Verify the message in output panel

3. How to start Math Operations on two Numbers Using Studio Web (Addition, Subtraction, and multiplication)

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Create A new project
Name *: Perform Math Operations on two Numbers (Addition Subtraction and multiplication)
Description - How to start the automation: Manually
Click create
click on the ‘+’ below trigger

Add first variable
Select Set variable value activity to assign first value
Set value: 10 (give any integer number)
To variable: create variable of type integer (Ex: First Number)
Click on save as variable
Add second variable
Select Set variable value activity to assign second value
Set value: 15 (give any integer number)
To variable: create variable of type integer (Ex: SecondNumber)
Step3: For Math operation
Select Set variable value activity to add logic to perform Math operations
Set value: Open expression Editor and provide the logic
(Ex:FirstNumer + SecondNumber)
To variable: create variable of type integer to store the result (Ex: Result)

Log the result
Select Log message activity
Message: Provide the Result variable.
Log Level: Info

Run the Project
Verify the output in the output panel.

4. How can you utilize or explore the features for managing date and time effectively within UiPath Studio Web?

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Create A new project
Add details to the project
Name *: DateTime
Description - How to start the automation: Manually
Click create
click on the ‘+’ below trigger
Select Set Variable Value activity
Set value: Open expression Editor and provide the logic (datetime.Now)
To variable: Create variable of type Date to store the current Date and Time (Ex: CurrentDateTime)

Select Log message activity
Message: Select CurrentDateTime variable to display the current Date-Time
Log Level: Info

Run the Project
Verify the output in the output panel.

5. Find the Leap year and display the message along with the Boolean conditions?

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Create A new project
Add details to the project

Name *: Check for Leap year
Description - Find the Leap year and display the message along with the Boolean conditions.
How to start the automation: Manually
Click create
click on the ‘+’ below trigger

Select Set Variable Value activity to store the Year

Set value: Enter any year (Ex: 2004)
To variable: Create variable of type integer (Ex: Year)
If Condition to check whether the given year is Leap or Non-Leap
Select If activity
Condition: Provide the following condition for Leap
((Year mod 4 = 0 And Not (Year mod 100 = 0)) Or (Year mod 400 = 0))
Then :
Add Set Variable Value activity to set Boolean Value
Set Value: True
To variable: Create a variable to set Boolean Value as True (Ex:boolVal)
Add Log Message activity to Log a Leap Year
Message: Enter ‘boolVal’ variable: ‘Year’ Variable and add ‘is a Leap Year’
Log Level: Info
Add Set Variable Value activity to set Boolean Value
Set value: False
To variable: Provide boolVal variable
Add Log Message activity to Log a Leap Year

Message: Enter boolVal variable: Year Variable is Non-Leap Year
Log Level: Info

Run the Project
Verify the output in the output panel.

6. How do you add two different variable types and perform the addition operation within a final variable using the Generic Variable type?

About GenericValue variable

  1. GenericValue variable is a type of variable that can store any kind of data, including text, numbers, dates, and arrays. This type is mainly used in activities in which we aren’t sure what type of data we’ll receive.
  2. GenericValue variables are automatically converted to other types, to perform certain actions.
  3. Please note that the first element in your expression is used as a guideline for what operation
    Studio performs.

How GenericValue variable work?

When you try to add two GenericValue variables, if the first one in the expression is defined as a String, the result is the concatenation of the two.
Ex: Var1=”10” and Var2=6 (Both are of type GenericValue)
Var1+Var2=106 (Concatenates 10 and 6 and gives 106)
If it is defined as an Integer, the result is their sum.
Ex: Var1=9 and Var2=”3” (Both are of type GenericValue)
Var1+Var2=12 (Sum’s 9 and 3 and gives 12)

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Create New project
Add details to the project
Name *: Task on Generic Value
Description - Add two different Variable types and do the Add in final variable
How to start the automation: Manually
Click create
click on the ‘+’ below trigger

  1. Create a GenericValue variable with default Integer value (Ex: GenericNumber)
  2. Create a GenericValue variable with default String value (Ex: GenericText)
  3. Create a GenericValue variable to store the Result (Ex: GenericResult)
    When the First Element in the Expression is String
    Add Set Variable Value to get Generic Result
    Set value: GenericText+GenericNumber
    To variable: Pass GenericResult variable

    Add Log Message to output the result
    Message: Supply GenericResult variable
    Log Level: info
    When the First Element in the Expression is Integer
    Add Set Variable Value to get Generic Result
    Set value: GenericNumber+GenericText
    To variable: Pass GenericResult variable

    Add Log Message to output the result
    Message: Supply GenericResult variable
    Log Level: info
    Run the Project
    Verify the output in the output panel.

8. How can you assign multiple values (numbers) and then display them through their respective indices?

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Create a new project

Add details to the project
Name *: Display Number Through Index
Description - How to start the automation: Manually
Click create
click on the ‘+’ below trigger
Add Set Variable Value activity

Set value: Configure the “Set Value” field with the desired numbers enclosed in curly braces and separated by commas. For instance: {9,6,12,3,15,21}.
To variable: Create a variable of the type “array of numbers” to hold the assigned numbers. (Ex:

Add Log Message activity
Message: Insert an expression that references the desired index of the array. For example, to display the value at index 3: “arr_Num(3)”.
Log Level: Set it to “Info”.

Run the Project
Verify the output in the output panel.

9. How do you assign multiple values (names) and subsequently display these values using their respective indices?

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Create a new project
Add details to the project
Name *: Display Name Through Index
Description - How to start the automation: Manually
Click create
click on the ‘+’ below trigger
2. Step1:

  1. Begin by adding a “Set Variable Value” activity
  2. Set value: Configure the “Set Value” field with the desired names enclosed in curly braces and separated by commas. For instance: {“Vajrang”, “Surabhi”, “Parvathi”, “Narender”, “Krishna”, “Swathi”}.

    To variable: Create a variable of the type “Array of Text” to hold the assigned names. (Ex: arr_Names)
    Add Log Message activity
    Message: Insert an expression that references the desired index of the array. For example, to display the value at index 0: “arr_Num(0)”.
    Log Level: Set it to “Info”

    Run the Project
    Verify the output in the output panel.

10. How can you read the values stored in an array and then write them into a text file using the respective index values?

Before proceeding to process create a Text File and upload that in Storage Bucket in Orchestrator.

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Create New project
Add details to the project
Name *: Write Data into Text File Through Indexes
Description - Read the values in Array and write into text file through the index values
How to start the automation: Manually
Click create
click on the ‘+’ below trigger
Add Set Variable Value
Set value: Configure the “Set Value” field with the desired fruit names enclosed in curly braces and separated by commas. For instance: {“Vajrang”,“Surabhi”,“Sushma”,“Parvathi”,“Narender”,“Krishna”, “Swathi”}
To variable: Create a variable of the type “Array of Text” to hold the assigned names. (Ex: arr_TeamData)
Add Write Storage Text
Orchestrator Folder Path: Provide the Folder Path in which text file is available (Ex: Shared)
Storage Bucket Name: Provide the appropriate Storage Bucket Name (Ex: TextFiles)
File Path: Provide the Name of the Text File to write data into (Ex: Team.txt)
Text: Provide the following to write the values to the text file through indexes
Run the Project
Verify the output in the output panel.
Check the Text File for data availability

11. How can you incorporate a selection of weekdays, sequences, debugging workflow techniques, and control flow statements into your UiPath Studio web project?

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Create a new project
Add details to the project
Name *: Switch Activity on Weekdays
Description - How to start the automation: Manually
Click create
click on the ‘+’ below trigger
Add “Set Variable Value” activity
Set value: Provide any case value to go to the switch statement, such as “Monday”.

To variable: Create a variable named “WeekDay” of type String to hold the switch case value.
Add a “Switch” activity
Click the + icon to add child cases to the switch.
Provide a name for each child case and click “Add Child.” For example, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
and so on, corresponding to the weekdays.

Add Log Message in Each Child
Inside each child case, add a “Log Message” activity.
Configure each activity as follows:
Message: Provide an appropriate Message for the specific day
(Ex: “Terrific Tuesday! Keep up the good work.”)
Log Level: Set it to “Info”

Run the Project
Verify the output in the output panel.

12. How do you find the maximum and minimum values from a list of array of numbers?

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Create a new project
Add details to the project
Name *: Min and Max of Array
Description - Find Max and Min value from list of Array of Numbers
How to start the automation: Manually
Click create
click on the ‘+’ below trigger
Add Set Variable Value activity to assign array of integers
Set value: enter integer values ex: {5,60,2,10,100,1000,45}
To variable: create variable (ex: arr_intVal)

Add Set variable value activity for Min of Array Values
Set value: int_values.min
To variable: create variable (ex: MinArrayVal)

Add Set variable value activity for Max of Array Values
Set value: int_values.Max
To variable: create variable (ex: MaxArrayVal)

Add Log message activity to display minimum of array values
Message: enter the variable name (ex: MinArrayVal) to display minimum value
(Click on + icon, Select Text builder, type required message and click on Insert variable and select the
required variable. (Ex: Minimum Array Value is MinArrayVal)
Log level: select the log level (Ex: Info)
Add Log message activity to display maximum of array values
Message: enter the variable name (ex: MaxArrayVal) to display maximum value
Click on + icon, Select Text builder, type required message and click on Insert variable and select the
required variable. (Ex: Maximum Array Value is MaxArrayVal)
Log level: select the log level Ex: Info)
Run the Project
Verify the output in the output panel.

13. How would you create a Google Spreadsheet and assign a specific name to the sheet being created?

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Create a new project
Add details to the project
Name *: Create_Spreadsheet
Description – Create the spread sheet and give sheet name
How to start the automation: Manually
Click create
click on the ‘+’ below trigger
Add Create Spreadsheet activity
Google Drive: Provide the email Id (ex: testtoday@gmail.om)
Folder: Select the Folder in which You want to create (Ex: My drive
Spreadsheet name: write the spread Name (If you do not give any name by default it will create as sheet1)

Step 2: Task
Write your name in A1 of the sheet created

14. Combine first, middle, and last names from an Excel sheet into a Full Name column using Excel and Data Tables Activities, with workflow debugging. Provide examples

Before proceeding to process integrate to Google workspace and Google Spreadsheet

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Create a new project
Add details to the project
Name *: Add Full Name to Excel
Description - Extract the data from Names Excel and print the results in the Excel
How to start the automation: Manually
Click create
click on the ‘+’ below trigger
Add Read Range activity to read the Spread Sheet with name information (I.e., First Name, Middle
Name, Last Name) that is available in Google Workspace (Ex: Google Drive)
Google Sheet: Select the domain which contains sheet (Ex:connection@gmail.com)
Spreadsheet: Select sheet which contains information (Ex: Test)
Range: Enter Sheet name (ex: Sheet1)
Has Headers: select true
Select Show additional options
Read range: Utilize the default variable provided by the activity or create a variable with an
appropriate naming convention to store the retrieved data (Ex: dt_readData)
Click on the + icon to add For Each Row in Data Table
Data Table: Provide the output variable of the Read Range activity I.e., dt_readUserData.
Item: CurrentRow (Default, you can modify the name)
Click on Show additional options
Index: Create a variable to store the index value (Ex: CellId)
Add Set Variable Value to concatenate First, Middle and Last Name
Set value: CurrentRow(“First Name”).ToString+" “+ CurrentRow(“Middle Name”).ToString+”
"+CurrentRow(“Last Name”).ToString
To variable: Create a variable to store the result (Ex: FullName)
Add Set Variable Value to get the position value
Set value: CellId+2
To variable: Pass CellId variable
Add Write Cell activity to store FullName in the Full Name Column of Spread Sheet
Google Sheet: Select the domain which contains sheet (Ex: connection@gmail.com)
Spreadsheet: Select sheet which contains information (Ex: Test)
Sheet/Named range: Enter sheet name (Ex: Sheet1)
Cell: Select column and add CellId variable to it (Ex: “D”+CellId.ToString)
What to write: Provide the “FullName” variable.
Run the Project
Verify the output in the output panel.
Check the Excel for Data availability

15. How can you create a data table and transfer its contents to a spreadsheet using Data Tables Activities? Include examples and debugging the workflow as part of the process?

The “Build Data Table” activity is unavailable in Studio Web. Here is an alternative process to
achieve the desired output without using the “Build Data Table” activity.

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Create a new project
Add details to the project
Name *: Build and Write Data to Spreadsheet
Description - This automation aims to build a data table for student information and write it to a
How to start the automation: Manually
Click create
click on the ‘+’ below trigger
Begin by creating a DataTable variable to store student data. Let’s call it dt_StudentData.
Use the “Add Data Column” activity to create a new column, which will be referred to as Column1, to our Data Table.
Cloumn Name: Assign a header to Column1, for example, “StudentId”.
To Data Table: Specify the DataTable variable, which in our case is dt_StudentData.
Extend the Data Table by using the “Add Data Column” activity to introduce another column, referred to as Column2.
Cloumn Name: Assign a header to Column2, for example, "StudentName”.
Data Table: Specify the DataTable variable, which in our case is dt_StudentData.
Continuing with the Data Table setup, employ the “Add Data Column” activity to include another column known as Column3.
Cloumn Name: Assign a header to Column3, for example, "Class” To Data Table: Specify the DataTable variable, which in our case is dt_StudentData.
Now, utilize the “Add Data Row” activity to insert data into the first row, representing Student1.
Data Table: Specify the Data Table variable, ‘dt_StudentData’.
Array Row: Click on + and select Collection builder
In the Collection Builder panel, click “Add” and provide data for all columns. Repeat this step for each column value.
Continue by using the “Add Data Row” activity to add data to the second row, representing Student2.
Data Table: Specify the Data Table variable, ‘dt_StudentData’.
Array Row: Click on + and select Collection builder
In the Collection Builder panel, click “Add” and provide data for all columns. Repeat this process for each column value.
Proceed with the “Add Data Row” activity to add data to the third row, representing Student3.
Data Table: Specify the DataTable variable, ‘dt_StudentData’.
Array Row: Click on + and select Collection builder
In the Collection Builder panel, click “Add” and provide data for all columns. Repeat this procedure for each column value.
Proceed with the “Add Data Row” activity to add data to the fourth row, representing Student4.
Data Table: Specify the DataTable variable, which in our case is dt_StudentData.
Array Row: Click on + and select Collection builder
In Collection builder panel click on Add and data for all Columns. Click on Add for every column
Lastly, use the “Add Write Range (Google Workspace)” activity to write the data from the Data Table into the spreadsheet (Ex: StudentData) available in your Google Drive
Google sheets: select workspace (ex: Yourmail@gmail.com)
Spreadsheet: Choose the Google Spreadsheet available in your Google Drive.
Range: specify the sheet (Ex: sheet1)
What to write: Specify the DataTable variable, which in our case is dt_StudentData.
Run the Project
Verify the output in the output panel.

verify the spreadsheet to confirm the presence of data.

Coauthors: @Narender_Kalal @surabhi_uma


woww! Thank you @Vajrang , @Narender_Kalal and @surabhi_uma for the StudioWeb tutorials! It’s fantastic to see such valuable resources being made available to the community :heart_eyes: . I’m sure your tutorials will indeed be appealing and incredibly beneficial for everyone looking to explore StudioWeb’s capabilities and enhance their web development skills.

Your contribution is greatly appreciated!!!


I completely agree @loredana_ifrim , The published tutorials are super helpful. @Narender_Kalal, @surabhi_uma , thank you very much for sharing them. :smiley:


Thank you for this tutorial, hope this would be helpful for us!


If you want to deep dive more into Studio Web :point_right: register here to our workshops today: UiPath Studio Web Series | UiPath and explore advanced techniques, best practices, and real-world scenarios with our community experts: @Vajrang, Swathi Nelakurthi and Rahul Goyal. See you in our sessions.


Thank you @Gabriatto92 @loredana_ifrim for your feedback.

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Thank you @digitechroshni

Thanks for your invaluable feedback @loredana_ifrim

You’re welcome guys :blush: