Last updated column check

hey guys,
I wanna check my last updated column in excel how can i check that ?

Cheers :slightly_smiling_face:

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hmmm maybe you can save the previous excel before you update it and check the previous and present excel @Mayur_Pawar

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:


You can do like this,
ColumnNames(DataColumnCollection type) = dt.Columns.
then use a for each to display the column names.

Use this query to get changes in datatable:

changeTable =table.GetChanges(DataRowState.Deleted)

Hope it will work!!!
Chhers @Mayur_Pawar

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i have excel iā€™m writing data in new column so while adding data into new column i want to check whether previous column has a data or not and column name is dynamic.