Last transaction of a queue not passing data from Main Process stage into End Process stage of Reframework when running unattended


I am having trouble in trying to get the last transaction to pass data into the final report from the Main Process stage into the End Process stage of the reframework

50 transactions take place, each result are produced into the final report in an excel report at the end of the process run. All transactions are recorded into the report except for the last transaction. This happens for every run where the last transaction takes place doesn’t pass through into the end process stage of the framework eventhough it is marked correctly on [Orchestrator but is not in the final report of the end process stage where the datatable outputs all the transaction results except for the last one that is processed.

If an error occurs inside the main process it will add the exception reason into the throw activity and then at the end of the process when all transactions have been processed - in the end process stage the datatable is filtered by the status so in this case “Failed” and it will use the results and output the failed datatable into an excel spreadsheet along with the exception reason from the throw activity inside the main process. However this works fine but doesn’t show the last transaction data.

This is the reframework flow where if there is a business exception from the process section it goes back into the get transaction data. I understand it may be the loop that’s not allowing the last transaction data to be recorded into the end process part then.

The failed datatable is generated into a report then at the end process section

Was having a closer look into the set transaction status - would the increment transaction index activity connected to the business exception be stopping the data from being passed into the end process then at the end of the run??

Any suggestions how to solve this issue would be great please