Last row when i use each row

Hello !
I have an activity for each for me to add variables in a column, except that when I retrieve it I copy the last variable several times.
while these are different data …

thanks you in advance

welcome back to uipath community
Check with ARRAY ROW property in the add data row activity
it should be like {item(“yourcolumnname”)}
as you have mention a variable it will add the same variable’s value to the column for the number of rows in the input datatble passed in for each loop

hope this would help you
Kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @kaj

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Thanks @Palaniyappan :grinning:
but i have this problem …
same problem with {item(“PRCTR”)}

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use for each row datatable instead of for each loop
where pass the input as just tInputDataTable alone and inside the loop use ADD DATAROW activity where in the array row mention as {row(“yourcolumnname”).ToString} and in the datatable mention as datatable

Cheers @kaj

thankss :star_struck:
it works perfectly

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