Kill Process (excel) Access Denied with filtered sessionID


I have a robot running on a remote server with multiple users.
The process need to kill excel.

The sequence looks like this:

It will filter the running processes for excel and the current logged user.
So it should kill excel only for the current user, if multiple users are logged in on the server using excel.

Still it fails with access denied, only now and then, and not consistent, and also if that user is the only one logged in on the server at that time.

It doesnt make any sense. Any tips ?


Ideally you need not do all of this in kill process you have option to select for current user that should suffice…can you check the same



Hi @Hawkman
Check in property of Kill activity, have options applies to

I will check that out. What is the difference between “CurrentUser” and “CurrentSession”?
Isn’t the current user using its own session ?


If we are using the option ‘OnlyCurrentUser’ then it will close the instance for only that user without affecting or closing other machine instances.
For ‘OnlyCurrentSession’ I feel only close those instance which got opened for particular session ex - If we are running bot through PIP mode


U can ideally do this with KILL PROCESS activity itself
Where u can define where this kill applies to
So u can choose accordingly

  • All: This value will terminate all instances of the process, regardless of which user or session they are running in.
  • OnlyCurrentUser: This value will terminate only the instances of the process that are running under the current user account.
  • OnlyCurrentSession: This value will terminate only the instances of the process that are running in the current session.
  • OnlyCurrentDesktop: This value will terminate only the instances of the process that are running on the current desktop.

Hope this clarifies

Cheers @Hawkman

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