Keyword A is not getting searched in a datatable

Hi All,

I have a weird problem with UiPath, I’m searching A1234 in a datatable but it is not getting searched.


I have checked manually value is available but it is not getting matched with this query.

Just not this value but any value which us containing A at start rest other are working example J1233, S1234

Any suggestions to resolve this issue?


You should be using select like this.



May be there is some extra character open the datatable from lcoals panel and check the value to see if any other characters like space,special characters etc are present


@ashokkarale I’m storing into a datarow so copy to datatable is not required.

@Anil_G No there is no extra space i have printed that row in immediate panel and checked for any special character or space. The value which i am searching and value in table are same.

This is just happening for all the value which are starting with capital A in table.


Can you show some screenshot please

locals panel values would be better
