Keyboard shortcut to focus on value field on Edit Arguments


So, when typing the input values on an “Edit Arguments” windows in an Invoke ability, like below, at least for me I cannot quickly access the text box ‘Value’ with only my keyboard, that way I can press tab and just edit the next value, without having to keep using the keyboard to focus on the field.

It’s a minor improvement, but would really help with satisfaction of a lone developer haha!

It is working for me with tab. If i press Tab, it moves to next box.

Okay, but then you can edit the value?

Yes. Am able to edit as well.

This in the “Edit Arguments” Window, on a “Invoke Workflow” activity? Wich version of Studio are you using?

I confirm it works well in version 2020.4.1

Does not work for me in 2019.10

Thanks for the report, we’ll have a look.

Please update both Studio and System to 20.4+ versions and you will be able to use the Tab key to navigate.

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