Keyboard key not working

i am doing an automation in which i am using hotkeys. i am trying to select some rows of excel and the deleting those by using “ctrl + -” hot key and then “enter” to confirm delete.But during debug the hotkey “ctrl + -” is not running properly it closes the current excel and open new one suddenly. Therefore “enter” key not getting any ui element and robot getting error.that"ui element not found for enter key"

keyboard problem

Hi @Hemant_Deshmukh

Better to use Delete rows than keyboard shortcuts

Check out this video this will help you
[Activities - Insert/Delete Rows (]

(Activities - Insert/Delete Rows)

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Numbers of rows are not fix…

You want to clear the whole sheet? Can you post your sheet here? Which rows you want to clear


If you want to clear whole sheet then use clear data activity

If you want to cleqr only specific rows which you know then use delete rows

If you want to clear rows based on a filter then first use filter datatable and in delete rows you have option to clear visible or non visible rows can use it to delete filtered data


extremely sorry i cant share sheet. but requirement is that …i have to paste some rows(which not fixed each time) in this “particular” sheet and delete rest blank rows. this “particular” sheet having fixed formulas and format we cant replace it. pls give ur suggestion.