Jobs Executed successfully at one schedule and jobs faulted on alternate schedules

Hi Friends,

I have deployed one process on orchestrator and its executed as expected one schdule and getting faulted at another schdule.
Means at one time job executed successfully but in another run its getting faulted with reason - could not find the part of the path- C:\Users\XXXX.nuget\packages\Processname\1.0.8\lib\net45’\

Any root cause for this issue.

Hello @Rup_1

Is this happening always? Can you try updating the packages to the stable version and publish the process again?


Yes always happened in second run and also i have update the package to latest version but still getting same issue.

how you have scheduled the job? Is it a Time based schedule? If yes, whats the timing for each schedule?


Scheduled a job on Time based schedule.
Job will run two times per day


After the first execution of the job, can you please check its status ?


After completion of execution status will be successful but in second run sometime getting could not find the part error.

Ok…SO it means sometimes fthe second execution is also successful and sometimes its failing…Am I right?

Can you share the full log generated for the failed execution? Also can you please update all the packages to the stable versions.


for second run its getting faulted so logs will not generate for this,
its stable hence its executing in first run schedule.