Hi @Anil_G
I already deleted this folder. But it is showing Machine is assigned to this folder?
No. I am trying to find the error…
Can I Delete everything and start fresh?
Can I Delete Tanent? How to Delete Tanent?
Yes …if there is nothing to loose…you can …go to admin page…from
There in settings you can delete
Or you can even create a new org completely with different id
Hi @Anil_G
I Got the issue.
Unable to delete this folder because there are PENDING jobs in it.
But unable to find these pending jobs in “JOBS” section.
Or Should I delete the Package?
Please go to jobs pge and then remove all the filters in the jobs page …by default there would be last day filter…then you might be able to see the jobs
I don’t have trigger setup
Please go to triggers page and check…it would not start automatically like that…check the queue triggers as well
Is this option check in your process
this is correct…but for the robot to start from orchestrator you need unattended license which is to be assigned to the user and the machine is to be given unattended license
Where can i get this option?
Got it.
Should i have to Enable it or not?
No dont enable…
go to tenant from orchestrator then click on manage access and then edit the user you are connected and select robot role
and go to the machine you are connected to from machines page and assign unattended license to it