Hi, I am trying to execute the process in Orchestrator, But in the ‘Jobs’ Section all Processes are in Pending State.
When I am executing the processes from UiPath Assistant, it is working properly, But when I am trying to Start a job from Orchestrator it is going in a pending state. Can anyone guide me on this?
And it also shows ‘Host Identity’ in ‘Pending allocation’.
1)How to allocate the Host identity? (Where can I find it)
2)Where I change Service attended and Unattended in Job Type
Make sure you have the necessary robots available in your Orchestrator. Go to the Robots page and ensure that there are robots listed and they are in the available state. If there are no available robots, you might need to provision or allocate additional ones.
Check the robot capacity: Each robot has a capacity that determines how many processes it can handle simultaneously. If the available robots are already at full capacity, new jobs will go into a pending state. You can adjust the capacity of a robot by editing its settings in Orchestrator.
Regarding host identity, To allocate the Host Identity, you need to ensure that you have configured a robot and connected it to Orchestrator. During the robot configuration process, you will need to provide the machine key and Orchestrator URL to establish the connection between the robot and Orchestrator. Once the robot is connected, it will have a unique identity (Host Identity) associated with it in Orchestrator.
To change the job type, you need to configure the robot accordingly. In Orchestrator, go to the Robots page, select the robot you want to modify, and edit its settings. There, you can specify whether it should be an attended or unattended robot.