Job status

Thank you Great.

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but the field “state” now is not in ES & Kibana.Could you tell me how to add this field to logs.

The state won’t automatically show up in ES & KB unless you put a log & log fields in the automation itself, via studio

You need to use the add log fields activity from the workflow side and ensure that once your job/transaction fail/succeed, a log message including this is produced.

I recommended you to remove use remove log fields activity once the log has been produced.
As Dillan said, the filed should appear in Kibana

You have some example here


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i have another question.

the value is user-defined.
it is possible to add state field which represents job’s success,stopping,or fautle?

you would have the value as a variable or an argument, which is set earlier in the automation using the same logic you are using to determine the success/failure of the transaction

Add to the red box,does it work?
i’m so sorry to have so many queations.

in place of all the field you have here you can add one with the name “State” and its value as you wish, that is what i mean by you need to ensure that a log is produced.

You can for example place one success log at the end.
Later in kibana, you could agrgregate your vizualization based on the job id and see if this success log field is present or not.

Regarding the web config you, you might be able to work something out but I cannot garanty you
however I would step carefully and backup you webconfig file first.

What we are describing with Dillan do not require to amend the config file.


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Thanks .for your team’s help.

Since elastic search as it is integrated by UiPath currently only targets logs (not jobs nor transactions …) then what can we do with Kibana now and what is the use case for RPA? Can you give me an example (because I do not Out according to the log analysis of how many times this procedure has been run, how many times failed)
Here is my log (11.3 KB)