Job state is stuck at 'pending' - issue with connecting robot to machine?

I am trying to run a process remotely through Orchestrator, ideally unattended but I have tried both attended and unattended to no avail. I suspect that the issue is that I haven’t assigned a robot to the machine template I am using, but I haven’t figured out how to do this; I can’t find any option to create another robot at all under Tenant > Robot, much less assign one to a machine. Existing forum posts seem to be outdated and refer to a different version of Orchestrator.

Hi @jc.rds
may you not up shared folder not ?


It’s unnecessary to create robot explicitly.
Can you try the following step?

  1. Create Machine Template and assign license to it at Tenant - Machine.

  2. Connect Robot with Orchestrator using ClientID etc.

  3. Assign User and Machine Template to Folder (such as Shared) at Tenant -Folder
    It may be good to create Robot account then assign it to the folder if you use UR.
    And also configure Unattended settings of the user.

  4. Create process in the Folder, then run it.


Thanks for the help @Yoichi and @Nguyen_Van_Luong1 - I tried publishing the Tenant Process Feed instead of Personal Workspace feed and ran the process in the shared folder instead of the personal workspace folder, and it ran successfully that way.

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Hi @jc.rds ,
Happy automation