how to select item from sub menu list ,whch expands when clicked on menu item .
i click on on menu button with text “xyz”, it will show the submenu bar with list of items
2 ) need to select one item from submenu lists say “hello”
i have tried using click im able to click only menu item ,how to navigate to all the items in submenu ? and select my desired item ? as it is disappearing when i move out of the window , java application
i tried sending keys alt+w it is not performing any actions ? before that do i need to validate window ? is there any way to continue my execution from current sequence and not from starting ?
I had sometimes such problems with the menu items (ALt + underscored letter not doing anything) - I resolved by sending ALT right right down down right enter if I am explaining myself.
@AlexJank thank you man , it worked for me
any practice tips on SWT java UI? how to regularize the objects as we do in traditional automation tools ? like getting run time object ? comparing and validating ?