Issues with select item activity

I am facing issues with select item activity. The selector is taking id attribute for the dropdown. The id value is changing for each session and hence, getting the error.
Can you please help on how to proceed further? I tried type into activity but same error exist.

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@ankesh What other Selector values are present?

If i see the html source of select it contains id and class… Id keeps on changing with each session and class value is not unique.

@ankesh You can use UiExplorer and Check if aaname is Present, if present use that, Else send the Screenshot of the Selector in UiExplorer

aaname is not present

@ankesh What value you want to Select from Dropdown

I want to select January value from dropdown

Below is the screenshot, basically i want to select month and year.uipath_snap_dropdown

@ankesh Have you tried using Type Into Activity?

Yes, i tried type into activity but i didn’t worked. The selector is taking id value which is changing for each session.

@ankesh try using Different Frameworks in UiExplorer, Can i access the site?

i tried with Active accessibility, UI Automation present under UI Frameworks tab in UiExplorer. It’s giving the same result.

It’s an internal corporate site and will not be publicly accessible. I can share you the html page. Hope it can help.

Also, please let me know if there any other framework i can try

@ankesh try with innerText value =“January”