Issues with conditional statements in New version

Screenshot 2024-02-23 121801
Screenshot 2024-02-23 123336

Hi @Hari_kumar_reddy

Actually it’s bug. When you open the Advanced Expression Editor even though your expression is correct, it’s throwing an error. You can run your workflow as usual. It won’t cause you any problem or error.


Check this thread

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@Hari_kumar_reddy ,

Try this one

((From row In ExtractDataTable.AsEnumerable() Where row("").ToString.Equals("")
Select row).Count)>0

Ashok :slight_smile:

still did not working bro

I have been checked already but not working

Can you share the screenshot of the workflow.

Whilst that is a bug how is that related to the above screenshots?

One works because he creates the row variable in the expression (the FROM syntax) the second fails cause he doesn’t have a row variable but tries to use it.

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