Issue with WaitUiElementAppear Activity when WaitVisible is Checked in different monitor size

Hi, we just faced an issue with WaitUIElementAppear activity, When we set WaitVisible = true (In Official Documentation, this option will ensure the element visible before doing any actions so it makes sense to always check it), it will behave differently in different screen resolution.

Test Scenario:
Create a simple sequence project with WaitUIElementAppear activity added. Please ensure WaitVisible is set to True.

With monitor 17 inch (16,7 x 13,8 inches, 1920 x 1080 pixels) => Failed with timeout issue
With monitor 24 inch (25.30 x 17.20 x 8.40 inches, 1920 x 1080 pixels) => Succeed to run this activity

Please give us some advice on this one, We can do a workaround by setting the WaitVisible to False but not sure if it’s the right way. Besides, it would be great if we got some explanation on how UIPath determine that element is visible. Thanks.

Hi, i would suggest trying not to use waitVisibile as this funktion wont work in unattended robots.

Try to use find element instead - or Manu other activities to wait for element :slight_smile:

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Many thanks for your response. But we are facing a frustrated experiences, as what you have mentioned (waitVisible won’t work in unattended bot) can’t find in UIPath official documentation.

Besides, we had a really weird issue with ElementExists activity also. It always return true for hidden element. Although we read lots of article in this forum, they suggest us to try using getAttribute activity to check if that element exists or not. That activity still always return true for hidden one.

What we have tried as workaround at the moment is to use the getText acitivity, but this one’s still not stable (sometime it return the text of hidden element and sometime don’t). So we are stuck here, hope you can share some of your experiences on this. Thanks.

Best Regards,
Toan Le.

Hi toan

You could use find element on element fist, secondly you use getAttribute and check if element is visible or hidden.

Will that help you? :slight_smile:

Second thing is to keep in mind that your unattended robot dont see things like you do when looking at a monitor.
Unattended robot Will rely more on website/app code than visuels. So use your selectors wisely and avoid using activities like
Find image, wait image, waitWindowAppear/Disappear etc :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your recommendation. We did try both of it, but the weird thing is that the getAttribute always return true for hidden element (with css visibility hidden). So that’s the reason why we change to use getText activity (but this activity sometimes return text for hidden field, sometime don’t…). We are really stuck at the moment for this weird behavior.

Best Regards,
Toan Le.


Today, we tried to dig deeper inside the issue, we found the weird behavior is caused by uipath_custom_id (not really sure but when uipath attach its custom attribute uipath_custom_id, the getText activity always return text even the element is hidden). And somtimes UIPath attach it to element, sometime not. Detail as below

Case 1: UIPath don’t add its custom attribute, the getText activity works as expected (return text when it visible only)

<div class="clearfix" id="createSiteModal_ErrorDiv" style="display: none;"> <div style="display: block;" class="alert alert-danger errormsgbox"> <p> <span id="errorElementContainer"> Check the items highlighted in red </span> </p> </div> </div>

Case 2: when UIPath add its custom id (uipath_custom_id), getText activity always return value regardless element is visible or not

<div class="clearfix" id="createSiteModal_ErrorDiv" style="display: none;"> <div style="display: block;" class="alert alert-danger errormsgbox"> <p> <span id="errorElementContainer" uipath_custom_id="3"> Check the items highlighted in red </span> </p> </div> </div>

Best Regards,
Toan Le.