Issue with UiPath.Terminal.Activities (Could not find member 'SSHPassword'...)

Hi, everyone.
I inherited a project from a previous developer, and I’m looking through everything to understand what is going on. When I opened a workflow called “Terminal - Launch,” I got a message that the workflow has unresolved activities. Looking into it a little further, it looks like there is an issue with the Terminal Session activity contained within it.
Here is what I’m seeing:
Missing or invalid activity

It says it "Could not find member ‘SSHPassword’ in type … " then references a line in the .xaml file, which is also below.

My packages are up to date; I didn’t change anything with those.

Does anyone know where I can start to try to resolve this error?


The latest version of Terminal package is 2.4.0 as the following.

So, can you try to update it to the latest? We can get it from UiPath Official feed ( )


Thanks for letting me know that. It made me remember to go into the settings and check all default package sources. When I did that, it showed me the newer versions. Downloading 2.4.0 resolved the issue, but then I remembered I should have opened the project file at the beginning to see what version is used in the project. I did that and saw that it is version 2.1.0, so I went back and updated it to that specific version.

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